Watering is the most difficult part of bonsai care. You can kill your bonsai by over watering or under watering. The only difference in the end is that generally, under watering will kill them faster.
Spider mites will haunt the underside of the foliage and are most often given away by the webs you’ll see all over your tree when you put your glasses on and take a close look. If you cared to give the plant a shake over a white surface you’ll probably see these tiny reddish assassins scurrying around. Squash away or wash away!
Every plant needs light. Some need more than others and how much depends on how - and where - that particular tree grows naturally. Bonsai that naturally thrive in full sun like mini jades, bougainvillea and many other flowering bonsai, need more light than more shade tolerant varieties like ficus and schefflera.
The dog’s tail knocked a small pot right off the table. The kids were tearing through the living room and your bonsai tree went crashing to the floor. My personal favorite- the courier company employees decided to play soccer with my carefully, even lovingly boxed bonsai tree on its way to you and you opened the box to find a pot in pieces. What's Next?
The Tigerbark Fig is a particularly easy and forgiving ficus. This is a great beginner tree, because it will forgive mistakes, but if you give it what it likes - it will positively thrive.